Pandemic Guidelines

To protect the health and safety of UCSB staff, faculty, and students, the following protocols are currently in place for individuals needing to come to HSSB for the following approved instructional uses:

  1. Delivery of synchronous remote instruction
  2. Recording of asynchronous remote instruction
  3. Staff support of remote instruction
  4. Remote instruction preparation including use of shared equipment like scanners
  5. Remote office hours
  6. Intermittent Visit-Collecting Materials

One Time Requirements Prior to Coming to HSSB

  1. Complete the COVID-19 Returning to Work Training via the UC Learning Center
  2. Review the Worksite Specific Safety Plan sent to you on November 3
  3. Complete the Worksite Specific Safety Plan Training Record sent to you on November 3, and submit to Amanda Maffett
  4. Flu vaccinations are mandatory as of November 1

Before Each Trip to HSSB

1. Calendar Entry

  • Please record your visit to HSSB on the calendar for your department. Please note that a link to your department calendar was sent to you on October 19 and 20. Please email Amanda Maffett if you require access. 
  • When entering your visit to HSSB on the departmental calendar, please follow these steps:
  • Enter your name and title (faculty, staff, graduate student, academic coordinator, etc.) as the Title of the Event
  • Enter your office number or departmental room number in the Location field
  • Enter the reason for your visit from the list of approved instructional uses from above in the Description field

2. COVID Daily Screening

Please note that  COVID testing is available on campus, but it is not yet required to have an actual COVID test each week prior to coming to campus. This may may change in the future.

The maximum occupancy for each departmental hallway is as follows:

HASC Admin Offices (max occupancy-2)

East Asian Hallway (max occupancy-7)

Classics Hallway (max occupancy-4)

History 3200 Hallway (max occupancy-8)

History 4200 Hallway (max occupancy-8)

Religious Studies Hallway (max occupancy-8)